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    empresa sostenibles



Environmentally friendly products and sustainability are our long-term commitment to a safer world.


At present, all raw materials are recyclable, so they can be reused to produce new raw materials that will be used to develop new sustainable products. This is the reason why inappropriate solid wase disposal can be a major threat to the environments of developing countries so, here, at C&O, all plastic, cardboard bundles and textile waste are currently sent to proper recycling facilities.



C&O also takes part in RECOVO, a community of conscious consumers helping to improve sustainable practices where sustainability management empowers textile businesses to build responsible supply chains, guarantee transparency and brings this to the end consumer by selling unused textiles to reduce textile  waste and extend the life of materials globally.

C&O also takes part in RECOVO, a community of conscious consumers helping to improve sustainable practices where sustainability management empowers textile businesses to build responsible supply chains, guarantee transparency and brings this to the end consumer by selling unused textiles to reduce textile waste and extend the life of materials globally.




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