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    empresa sostenibles

Ecologic & Sustainable Fabrics

Ecologic & sustainable fluorine free fabrics.


Ecologic & Sustainable Fabrics




Ecologic & sustainable 99% to 100% fluorine free fabrics

 tejidos ecológicos y sostenibles 

Crypton Fabric is 99.9% fluorine free

That´s only 0.1%

Crypton’s latest patented technology offers our best stain protection, with only 0.1% fluorine, the lowest amount to date and a new industry standard. Crypton Fabric uses special polymers in our patented formula that permanently encapsulates fluorinated technology within the fibers of the fabric which securely seals the fiber and makes it impossible to be removed. It is a breakthrough, not just for the environment but it also offers a high durability and a soft touch.

Choose the best fabric Crypton suitable for your project
Crypton fabric resists water or oil stains with just traces of 0.1% fluorine, perfectly aimed to hotels, restaurants or your health care. C-Zero Fabric is also ideal for hospitals requiring HHI or offices facilities in need of The International Living Future Institute (ILFI) red list, which has 0% fluorine and it resists just to water base stains.

Crypton Fabric 99.9% fluorine free
Water and oil base stains

Ice Cream
Lip stick

C-Zero 100% fluorine free fabric
Just water base stains

Red wine
Coffee, tea
Grape juice
Alcohol free drinks


Ecologic & Sustainable Crypton Fabrics

Tested, verified, certified… trusted

The last patented technology offers our best protection against stains with just 0.1% of fluorine, the lowest amount up till today and a new standard of technology. Crypto Fabric uses special polymers in our patented formula to permanently encapsulate the fluorine technology within the fibers of the fabric, being safely sealed which makes it impossible to remove. This is a great advantage, not just for the environment but it also offers a high durability and a soft touch.


 tejidos ecológicos y sostenibles para tepicería

Interior spaces ready for the future

When Crypton Fabrics are used, your choice has a positive domino effect on your customers down the line one by one, which in turn, it results to be significantly beneficial for the planet. Insist to have ecologically intelligent fabrics for your project from now on.

⦁ Guaranteed stain repellent properties make Crypton Fabrics significantly more durable.
⦁ Improved durability enlarges upholstery lifetime to 7 years longer.
⦁ Enlarged upholstery lifetime reduces replacement and repair of these for a positive carbon print impact.
⦁ Reduction of fossil fuels.
⦁ Reduce used of natural resources.
⦁ Reduction of residue on the landfill.
⦁ Reduction if carbon emissions.
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