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Disinfectable fabrics for your home

The only Disinfectable fabrics from Crypton


Disinfectable fabrics for your home



 Confirmed by the EPA

The first and only disinfectable fabric for your home

Confirmed by the EPA / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


 Tejidos desinfectables 

Crypton fabrics cannot be compared with any other.  They have the highest antimicrobial protection.


Crypton puts the customer first.

We know you need a highly effective product tested on this area. That´s why we innovate.
We are ready when needed. Our fabrics provide high-use high-abuse environments
Crypton Fabric is the first upholstery fabric evaluated by the EPA to be disinfected. Aligning the strength of Crypton’s integrated barrier fabric with its own EPA-approved Disinfectant & Deodorizer, Crypton creates an engineered system of disinfection for high-use with permanent resistance to stains and spills, evaluated by EPA to be disinfected. For the last 15 years, we have been part of this evaluation. We always think in the future to build with a beautiful, successful, sustainable, safe and clear purpose. We make the effort to be crystal-clear, offering the knowledge of the science and the products, focused on the cleaning and disinfection. Nowadays, we are the only high performance fabric certified to face this challenge.

Follow the science
As for any other area for which we design and, for the real life, we protect ourselves and others against COVID-19, we simply must follow the science.
 Tejidos desinfectables para Tapiceria

What happens with the antimicrobial agents?

Crypton barrier fabric has the guarantee to protect with the silver ions approved by the EPA.

Silver ion antimicrobial protection is a natural component used in cosmetics, medicines, clothes, bed clothes and even more. Why? Because it stops bacteria causing bad odors from growing. This property is permanent and non-lixiviant. This is an additional property for cleaning and protection needed for indoors at present.



Disinfection, sanitizing and daily cleaning of fabrics

Let´s have a closer look to these type of cleaning on fabrics.

Tejidos desinfectables para Tapiceria Tejidos desinfectables para Tapiceria

Sanitizing versus disinfecting

These words are often used indistinctively but, there are clear differences between them. The US Environmental protection agency (EPA), has specific definitions for each of them. Sanitizing kills bacteria on surfaces using chemicals. It is not intended to kill viruses. However, disinfecting kills viruses and bacteria on surfaces using chemicals.

Fashionable words can be confusing,
Let´s make it simple.

* Sanitizing kills bacteria
* Disinfecting kills viruses and bacteria
 Crypton disinfectant and deodorant kills viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Just disinfectant kills viruses and bacteria.
According to CDC, disinfectant destroy or inactivate viruses, bacteria and fungus.
This means that disinfectants provide a proven higher level of microbial charge than other disinfectants. This also means that disinfectants not just reduce viruses, bacteria and fungus but kill them. Disinfection means deeper cleaning.
Crypton disinfectant and deodorant not just kill COVID-19, but also kills 99.9% of germs and viruses on hard surfaces.



Tejidos desinfectables para hogares Tejidos desinfectables para Hoteles

Clean water and soap

Cleaning surfaces with water and soap refers to the removal of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface. It does not kill germs but as it removes them, the number and risk of spread them is reduced.

Clean is good but disinfected is better.


What happens with bleach?

 Using bleach includes risks. Why would you?

⦁ Frequent cleaning with bleach can damage fabric and ever harm them.
⦁ Bleach can clean and disinfect but it cannot disinfect soft surfaces. Washable whitener is just that: clean but not disinfected. 
Do not limit yourself to clean. Disinfect as well!





Read carefully the label of your disinfectant

Not all labels are the same
 Tejidos desinfectables para hogares y casas

Label statements make a BIG difference


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carefully regulates all of the products which confirm to kill organisms. Language and statements made on the label must be supported by detailed scientific datum sent to EPA. These labels regulate usage rates. End users must guarantee compliance of the label as well as comprehension of the meaning of those statements.

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